Many companies have budgets for E-commerce marketing and/or budgets for advertising campaigns trying to get customers through their doors. However, On Hold marketing offers a uniquely more direct approach — because the customers have already “arrived!”
Used the right way, professionally and carefully produced messages on hold can effectively appeal to callers. After all, they’ve already taken that first step by calling. If you think of every phone call as an opportunity, then each caller has already walked in.
Short, succinct, impactful messages matched with the right licensed hold music delivers an even greater advantage with repeat customer upsells. Reward their loyalty with timely, exclusive offers and you have a win-win: your customers appreciate the value and will be back again while you’ve just increased sales revenue.
Putting monthly promotions on hold also keeps the custom message sounding fresh for repeat customers who know better than anybody when something sounds new. Using on hold marketing services in conjunction with other campaigns reinforces the spotlight and makes an effective tool in cross-promotions. Lifetime oil changes? HVAC wholesale rebates? Dental discounts and pet wellness plans? Advertise them with a professional phone message to a receptive audience that already expressed an eagerness to call you.
The best way to get results from a custom message? First, remember that the intended audience is never going to SEE your on hold marketing campaign, only HEAR it. That means there’s no room for wordiness. If a word or phrase has no particular impact, get rid of it.
That leads to the second reason. Your audience is in a holding pattern and likely anxious to move on. Don’t bore them with statistics or, even worse, self-congratulatory fluff. That doesn’t go over well in messages on hold. Don’t make callers memorize a lot of numbers or complicated directions, either. The power of retention is better served with cross selling and calls-to-action.
*Use words and phrases that benefit the caller and speak directly to each. “Snoring keep you up last night? We can help your sleep apnea during this call.”
*Speak conversationally. Consider the announcer of your custom message as a customer service representative talking one-on-one. Unless, of course, you’re going for a stylized piece directed toward a specific audience.
*Use immediate calls-to-action. You already have their attention…there’s only one step left!
*Avoid sounding like a legal brief. Lengthy details, lists, and overly technical explanations can make callers tune out…what may work in print advertising does not always catch the ear!
There’s much more to the formula, made simple by IAP. Mixed with catchy hold music, inspire your callers with IAP’s professional phone message producers, the masters of on hold marketing services!